Bruce Lugn, MSW
Educator, Trainer, Workshop and Retreat Leader, Social Worker, Writer

Experience and Work

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Contemplative Nature

I am building another website:

For the present I invite you to view and reflect on the following 


Contemplative Prayer and Reflection is …


Time we intentionally create to connect with God.


Giving attention to the presence of God who dwells within us.


Silence from our inner being. God is in the silence


Breathing God in our every breath.


Experiencing God through Words.


Listening to God with Sounds.


Feeling God move and dwell within our bodies.


Healing our heart and spirit.

Seeing God with our interior eyes through people, nature and our imagination.


Resting in God. All around you is peace.


There are many wonderful books and journals pertaining to our souls and whole being, here are a few that I invite you to look at:


The Spiritual Life by Evelyn Underhill

Living in the Presence by Tilden Edwards

Prayer of Heart and Body by Thomas Ryan

Why I Wake Early by Mary Oliver

Paths to Prayer: Finding Your Own Way to the Presence of God by Patricia D. Brown

Gates of Repentance: The New Union Prayer Book for the Days of Awe by The Central Conference of American Rabbis

Memoirs of the Soul: Writing Your Spiritual Autobiography by Nan Phifer

Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom by John O'Donohue

Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh

The Wisdom of Wilderness: Experiencing the Healing Power of Nature by Gerald G. May

Weavings: A Journal of the Christian Spiritual Life

Sacred Journey: The Journal of Fellowship in Prayer




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Contact Me
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Contemplative Nature